Thursday 8 October 2015

ULearn'15 - "Future-Focussed Learning Design..."

"Transforming our students’ experiences | Future-focused learning design" (ULearn'15 - Breakout 4)
Presenter: Karen Melhuish Spencer (CORE ULearn)

Abstract: "Recent years have seen exciting developments in what we know about effective learning - and increased calls for a more inclusive approach to learning than previous generations perhaps received. From competency-rich curriculum to inclusive learning enabled by digital technologies, the time is right to consider what, how and why your school might transform its approach to learning to benefit all your students.

This session will cut through the ‘buzz words’ to look at what we know to be sound, effective approaches for thinking about future-focused transformation. With the CORE Education ‘10 Trends’ as a backdrop, we will explore the big ideas, what we know works and the implications for your own school. Touchpoint ideas will include: Indicators of effective learning and practice from current research; Stories of how schools have approached transformation and future-focused learning; Suggested frameworks for thinking about transformation in your school. Come prepared to explore new possibilities for reimagining learning in ways that put your learners front and centre."

In order to bring about sustainable, tranformational and positive change, we need to think about change / transformation from a VALUES point of view...

Transformation / Future focus is a conversation around the whole person [holistic] = A mindset around PEOPLE'S WELLBEING.

We can create environments where everyone feels like they belong... More relevant when developing ILE's, the practical contexts can come in behind the Values once this has been developed.

Building relationships with those children, individualised learning, everyone acorss the school - from the principal to the students - know each other. Freedom in the way they learn using the modules the school has created (guidelines - modules relate to the NZC) Sitting behind these are the set of Values that the school has.

Transformational change will not happened at the strategy level - you must consider your values, what is important to you, what you believe is important to your learners... Ask yourself - What is really important to you/your learners?

The grab bag won't really change unless the values and beliefs are lined up with the wider community in which a school exists - then true transformation can begin to happen.

e.g.: all learners in my classroom should feel that they belong. This is the basis for a whole set of ideas that should underlie the learning... What would learning look like in order to line up with these values?

7 Principles of Learning (Dumont - "The Nature of Learning")
1. Learners at the centre
2. Learning is social
3. Emotions are integral
4. Recognise individual differences
5. Stretching all students
6. Assessment for learning
7. Building horizontal connections

Learner Orientation  - who's interests are being served?

Inclusive Design - removing barriers to increase opportunities and offer choice.
Networked organisations - distributed expertise, on demand. 

Future Oriented Pathway - must have coherence along the continuum - i.e.:
our learner > our values and beliefs > our principles > our practice.

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