Thursday, 10 September 2015

Mindlab by Unitec: Group Collaboration

An unscripted video collaboration with Michelle and Desire' 
as part of my practicum tutorial work during the first half 
of my Mindlab PGCert in Applied Practise...

International Perspectives on Education and Assessment

How Culturally Intelligent are we? "Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is a person's ability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity" (Ang, Van Dyne & Koh, 2005; Earley & Ang, 2003; Earley & Mosakowski, 2005).

PISA - Measuring student success around the world

International Perspectives on Education LDC / Assessment DCL Week 9
Case Study: Finland (quiz hosted by our tutor Milla). We played an interactive quiz created in Kahoot! which encouraged us to competitively test our prior knowledge about Finland (I was even coming third til my browser crashed... and Janet came 2nd overall, just behind Dr Dave who'd prepped for the test from the previous session)...

Group Activity
What does assessment heaven vs.hell look like? Our thoughts:

Collaborative Activity 
We had been set a collaborative assignment - to select one key item that ensures strong outcomes for our learners when looking at the research out there. Desire', Michelle and I looked at the commonalities between Canada, Singapore and Canada. We decided that treating teachers as valued professional in a society was what made the most consistent positive effect for these nations when ranking them on the PISA scale. Here's the video Michelle, Desire' and I created to show what the news might look like in the year 2020 were this to become the case in NZ, too...

*Newsflash 2020*

Research Tips
Go into your Moodle portal - go to your dashboard, stack of books bottom left, click on these, will open up Unitec Library screen - automatically logs you in from there...

Thursday, 3 September 2015

School Transformation and Leadership in Digital & Collaborative Learning

School Transformation Week 8 - DCL

Recommended viewing:

Ask the “Why” Question - video by Claire Boonstra

3 Rules to spark learning - Ramsey Musallam TED video 

 An Open Letter to Educators - Dan Brown

Innovative LearningRothaugen School

Changing Education paradigms - RSA Animates

Recommended website
The Transformation of Education

Leadership in Digital & Collaborative Learning Week 8 - LDC

Addendum: When creating work online for the purposes of teaching at a given school, all of the work you produce in the course of your teaching contract is currently legally owned by your most current BoT, under current NZ law in regards to Creative Commons. To ensure your legal ownership of your own intellectual property, you will need to go to your principal (as representative of the BoT) to request confirmation in writing that you are allowed to use your online intellectual property (i.e.: planning, resources, professional blog, you tube clips, anything shared while you have been working with the students) yourself.